Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Bringing Maslow`s Hierachy Back to Normal Levels

One of the reasons why the world has gotten themselves into such a financial pickle, is the elevation of the most basic levels within Maslow`s hierarchy of needs. As a refresher, in 1943 Abraham Maslow drew up a theory that proposed that human motivation was driven by five needs, that was shaped in a pyramid. At the bottom, was basic Physiological Needs such as food, shelter, water etc. Once those need were fulfilled, then humans would aspire to move up to the next level which as Safety Needs - of our health, bodies, family etc. Once that need was fulfilled, then we would move on to the next level which as the need for Love and Belonging, followed by Self-Esteem and finally, the pinnacle of human needs which was Self-Actualization.

Here is the Wikipedia explanation of Maslow's Hierachy of Needs:


However, what happened was that society, in its insatiable greed, has had difficulty getting past the lower levels of needs. For example, instead of basic shelter, some people have strived for a MacMansion and has sacrificed their other needs, putting their health at risk (Safety), straining or excluding relationships (Love and Belonging), doing jobs they hate just for the money (Self-Esteem) and acting contrary to their authentic self (Self-Actualization).

Sure, I may sound preachy, but I've seen enough and read enough to know that I am not far from the truth. The silver lining on this current dark and ominous financial cloud, is that many people are reflecting on what went wrong, what is important to them, and re-evaluating their value system. Instead of making the bottom of the pyramid large and unattainable, many people are trying to satisfy the most basic needs and move up the pyramid. I hope that this is a portent of things to come and a welcome change to a materialistic and consumer-driven society.

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